
Scalar types represent concrete values at the leaves of a query. For example in the following query the name field will resolve to a scalar type (in this case it’s a String type):

  user {
  "data": {
    "user": {
      "name": "Patrick"

There are several built-in scalars, and you can define custom scalars too. (Enums are also leaf values.) The built in scalars are:

Fields can return built-in scalars by using the Python equivalent:

import datetime
import decimal
import uuid
import strawberry
class Product:
    id: uuid.UUID
    name: str
    stock: int
    is_available: bool
    same_day_shipping_before: datetime.time
    created_at: datetime.datetime
    price: decimal.Decimal
    void: None
type Product {
  id: UUID!
  name: String!
  stock: Int!
  isAvailable: Boolean!
  availableFrom: Date!
  sameDayShippingBefore: Time!
  createdAt: DateTime!
  price: Decimal!
  void: Void

Scalar types can also be used as inputs:

import datetime
import strawberry
class Query:
    def one_week_from(self, date_input: ->
        return date_input + datetime.timedelta(weeks=1)

Custom scalars

You can create custom scalars for your schema to represent specific types in your data model. This can be helpful to let clients know what kind of data they can expect for a particular field.

To define a custom scalar you need to give it a name and functions that tell Strawberry how to serialize and deserialise the type.

For example here is a custom scalar type to represent a Base64 string:

import base64
from typing import NewType
import strawberry
Base64 = strawberry.scalar(
    NewType("Base64", bytes),
    serialize=lambda v: base64.b64encode(v).decode("utf-8"),
    parse_value=lambda v: base64.b64decode(v.encode("utf-8")),
class Query:
    def base64(self) -> Base64:
        return Base64(b"hi")
schema = strawberry.Schema(Query)
result = schema.execute_sync("{ base64 }")
assert == {"base64": "aGk="}

The Base16 , Base32 and Base64 scalar types are available in strawberry.scalars

from strawberry.scalars import Base16, Base32, Base64

Example JSONScalar

import json
from typing import Any, NewType
import strawberry
JSON = strawberry.scalar(
    NewType("JSON", object),
    description="The `JSON` scalar type represents JSON values as specified by ECMA-404",
    serialize=lambda v: v,
    parse_value=lambda v: v,


class Query:
    def data(self, info) -> JSON:
        return {"hello": {"a": 1}, "someNumbers": [1, 2, 3]}
query ExampleDataQuery {
  "data": {
    "hello": {
      "a": 1
    "someNumbers": [1, 2, 3]

The JSON scalar type is available in strawberry.scalars

from strawberry.scalars import JSON

Overriding built in scalars

To override the behaviour of the built in scalars you can pass a map of overrides to your schema.

Here is a full example of replacing the built in DateTime scalar with one that serializes all datetimes as unix timestamps:

from datetime import datetime, timezone
import strawberry
# Define your custom scalar
EpochDateTime = strawberry.scalar(
    serialize=lambda value: int(value.timestamp()),
    parse_value=lambda value: datetime.fromtimestamp(int(value), timezone.utc),
class Query:
    def current_time(self) -> datetime:
schema = strawberry.Schema(
        datetime: EpochDateTime,
result = schema.execute_sync("{ currentTime }")
assert == {"currentTime": 1628683200}

To override with a pendulum instance you’d want to serialize and parse_value like the above example. Let’s throw them in a class this time.

In addition we’ll be using the Union clause to combine possible input types. Since pendulum isn’t typed yet, we’ll have to silence mypy’s errors using # type: ignore

import pendulum
from datetime import datetime
class DateTime:
    This class is used to convert the pendulum.DateTime type to a string
    and back to a pendulum.DateTime type
    def serialize(dt: Union[pendulum.DateTime, datetime]) -> str:  # type: ignore
            return dt.isoformat()
        except ValueError:
            return dt.to_iso8601_string()  # type: ignore
    def parse_value(value: str) -> Union[pendulum.DateTime, datetime]:  # type: ignore
        return pendulum.parse(value)  # type: ignore
date_time = strawberry.scalar(
    Union[pendulum.DateTime, datetime],  # type: ignore
    description="A date and time",

BigInt (64-bit integers)

Python by default allows, integer size to be 2^64. However the graphql spec has capped it to 2^32.

This will inevitably raise errors. Instead of using strings on the client as a workaround, you could use the following scalar:

# This is needed because GraphQL does not support 64 bit integers
BigInt = strawberry.scalar(
    Union[int, str],  # type: ignore
    serialize=lambda v: int(v),
    parse_value=lambda v: str(v),
    description="BigInt field",

You can adapt your schema to automatically use this scalar for all integers by using the scalar_overrides parameter


Only use this override if you expect most of your integers to be 64-bit. Since most GraphQL schemas follow standardized design patterns and most clients require additional effort to handle all numbers as strings, it makes more sense to reserve BigInt for numbers that actually exceed the 32-bit limit. You can achieve this by annotating `BigInt` instead of `int` in your resolvers handling large python integers.

user_schema = strawberry.Schema(
    scalar_overrides={datetime: date_time, int: BigInt},
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