Tools Strawberry provides some utility functions to help you build your GraphQL server. All tools can be imported from create_type Create a Strawberry type from a list of fields. def create_type( name: str, fields: List[StrawberryField], is_input: bool = False, is_interface: bool = False, description: Optional[str] = None, directives: Optional[Sequence[object]] = (), extend: bool = False, ) -> Type: ... Example: import strawberry from import create_type @strawberry.field def hello(info) -> str: return "World" def get_name(info) -> str: return my_name = strawberry.field(name="myName", resolver=get_name) Query = create_type("Query", [hello, my_name]) schema = strawberry.Schema(query=Query) type Query { hello: String! myName: String! } merge_types Merge multiple Strawberry types into one. Example: import strawberry from import merge_types @strawberry.type class QueryA: @strawberry.field def perform_a(self) -> str: ... @strawberry.type class QueryB: @strawberry.field def perform_b(self) -> str: ... ComboQuery = merge_types("ComboQuery", (QueryB, QueryA)) type ComboQuery { performB: String! performA: String! }