To enable Apollo tracing you
can use the ApolloTracingExtension provided:
from strawberry.extensions.tracing import ApolloTracingExtension
schema = strawberry. Schema ( query = Query, extensions = [ApolloTracingExtension])
Note that if you're not running under ASGI you'd need to use the sync version of
from strawberry.extensions.tracing import ApolloTracingExtensionSync
schema = strawberry. Schema ( query = Query, extensions = [ApolloTracingExtensionSync])
In addition to Apollo Tracing we also support tracing with
Datadog . using the DatadogTracingExtension.
from strawberry.extensions.tracing import DatadogTracingExtension
schema = strawberry. Schema ( query = Query, extensions = [DatadogTracingExtension])
Note that if you're not running under ASGI you'd need to use the sync version of
from strawberry.extensions.tracing import DatadogTracingExtensionSync
schema = strawberry. Schema ( query = Query, extensions = [DatadogTracingExtensionSync])
In addition to Datadog and Apollo Tracing we also support
opentelemetry , using the OpenTelemetryExtension.
You also need to install the extras for opentelemetry by doing:
pip install 'strawberry-graphql[opentelemetry]'
from strawberry.extensions.tracing import OpenTelemetryExtension
schema = strawberry. Schema ( query = Query, extensions = [OpenTelemetryExtension])
Note that if you're not running under ASGI you'd need to use the sync version of
from strawberry.extensions.tracing import OpenTelemetryExtensionSync
schema = strawberry. Schema ( query = Query, extensions = [OpenTelemetryExtensionSync])
Example Elasticsearch, Kibana, APM, Collector docker-compose to track django and
strawberry tracing metrics
This will spin up:
an elastic search instance to keep your data
kibana to visualize data
the elastic APM Server for processing incoming traces
collector binding
to transform the opentelemetry data (more exactly the Opentelementry Line
Protocol OTLP) to something AMP can read
(our APM agent )
For more details see the elasticsearch
version : "3"
services :
elasticsearch :
image :
container_name : elasticsearch
restart : always
ulimits :
memlock :
soft : -1
hard : -1
environment :
- discovery.type=single-node
- bootstrap.memory_lock=true
- "ES_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m"
volumes :
- elasticsearch-data:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data
healthcheck :
interval : 10s
retries : 12
test :
curl -s http://localhost:9200/_cluster/health | grep -vq
kibana :
image :
container_name : kibana
environment :
ELASTICSEARCH_URL : "http://elasticsearch:9200"
ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS : '["http://elasticsearch:9200"]'
restart : always
depends_on :
elasticsearch :
condition : service_healthy
ports :
apm-server :
image :
container_name : apm-server
user : apm-server
restart : always
command :
"--strict.perms=false" ,
"-e" ,
"-E" ,
"" ,
"-E" ,
"apm-server.kibana.enabled=true" ,
"-E" ,
"" ,
"-E" ,
"apm-server.kibana.username=elastic" ,
"-E" ,
"apm-server.kibana.password=changeme" ,
"-E" ,
"output.elasticsearch.hosts=['elasticsearch:9200']" ,
"-E" ,
"output.elasticsearch.enabled=true" ,
"-E" ,
"output.elasticsearch.username=elastic" ,
"-E" ,
"output.elasticsearch.password=changeme" ,
depends_on :
elasticsearch :
condition : service_healthy
cap_add : [ "CHOWN" , "DAC_OVERRIDE" , "SETGID" , "SETUID" ]
cap_drop : [ "ALL" ]
healthcheck :
interval : 10s
retries : 12
test :
curl --write-out 'HTTP %{http_code}' --fail --silent --output /dev/null
otel-collector :
image : otel/opentelemetry-collector:0.41.0
container_name : otel-collector
restart : always
command : "--config=/etc/otel-collector-config.yaml"
volumes :
- ./otel-collector-config.yaml:/etc/otel-collector-config.yaml:ro
depends_on :
apm-server :
condition : service_healthy
ports :
volumes :
elasticsearch-data :
external : true
In the same directory add a otel-collector-config.yaml
receivers :
otlp :
protocols :
grpc :
processors :
memory_limiter :
check_interval : 1s
limit_mib : 2000
batch :
exporters :
logging :
loglevel : warn
otlp/elastic :
endpoint : "apm-server:8200"
tls :
insecure : true
service :
pipelines :
traces :
receivers : [ otlp ]
exporters : [ logging , otlp/elastic ]
processors : [ batch ]
metrics :
receivers : [ otlp ]
exporters : [ logging , otlp/elastic ]
processors : [ batch ]
Spin this docker-compose up with (this will take a while, give it a minute):
docker-compose up --force-recreate --build
Example Django Integration
pip install opentelemetry-api
pip install opentelemetry-sdk
pip install opentelemetry-exporter-otlp
in the
from opentelemetry import trace
from opentelemetry.exporter.otlp.proto.grpc.trace_exporter import OTLPSpanExporter
from opentelemetry.instrumentation.django import DjangoInstrumentor
from opentelemetry.sdk.resources import Resource
from opentelemetry.sdk.trace import TracerProvider
from opentelemetry.sdk.trace.export import BatchSpanProcessor
resource = Resource ( attributes = { "" : "yourservicename" })
trace. set_tracer_provider ( TracerProvider ( resource = resource))
tracer = trace. get_tracer ( __name__ )
otlp_exporter = OTLPSpanExporter ( endpoint = "http://localhost:4317" , insecure = True )
span_processor = BatchSpanProcessor (otlp_exporter)
trace. get_tracer_provider (). add_span_processor (span_processor)
def main ():
DjangoInstrumentor (). instrument ()